Tuesday, February 21, 2012


I've just posted a couple of half-finished posts, stored away in drafts forever, the original intents and ideas forever lost as the epiphanies slipped away, but nonetheless publishing allows me to reflect on what the ideas might have been, grasping at shards of faded memories. In short, posting is important. Procrastinating sucks.

Just wanted to place a little nugget of thought here - when friends have diverged from your life far enough to actually oppose your life view in a significant manner, is it justified to take action up to the point of renouncing said friendships? Purely hypothetical, but certain close acquaintances seem to be headed in that direction.

This warrants further thought, but I would love to hear comments should anyone chance on this post.

1 comment:

  1. I disagree in renouncing friendships if the reason is solely based on opposing life views. How sweet it would be if everybody (close friends) held parallel views as ours; perhaps they do in utopia. Philosophies may not be the same, and hardly are they ever, but if the other party still genuinely cares for your well-being and values you as a person and vice versa, purging him from your life may be unwarranted.

    This is probably an argument from an emotional standpoint. Not sure if it's even a substantial one or if you'll agree.

