Friday, November 12, 2010


The water has taught me many things. For one, applying brute force CAN get you somewhere, but mostly with little headway and a lot of capsizing. The faint of heart will keep with the flow of the tides while keeping still, this ensures a greater capacity to stay afloat but little else in moving toward a specified destination. What is best then, is for a kayaker to always try to balance his capacity to stay afloat with a suitable force to propel him in the right direction. This will come with many refreshing baths in the body of water as one learns to better read the currents with his hips over time.

And just like everything else, and other hardly-linked analogies, the water is but a microcosm of life. Life has its currents and eddies; through hardship people can falter and curse their existence, or learn to overcome and prosper. Through windfalls people can create greater opportunities, or they could dig themselves a pit of unprecedented despair. And such is the tidal nature of life; all throughout an individual's existence, one could falter to an oncoming tide, or have fear paralyze the heart such that the current sets you adrift to somewhere you have no intention of heading. And just as I've learned, we will always falter but we must never fear, for every moment we move, we learn to read the tides and stabilize our futures, that we'll know where to act to head ourselves the right way.

And we must never float and feel complacent that we have not fallen into hardship in peaceful times, for the strength of the tides are not for us to command; and to its strength holds this adage,

The only constant is change.

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